Thursday 29 December 2011

Dress 2: The boy next door

The thing about the boy next door is, well, I was still with dress number 1 when dress number 2 (just my casual jeans and a tee ensemble) was so carelessly slung across my conservatory floor. Yes my morals leave a lot to be desired, but at least it makes all you other anonymous sluts out there feel better; I aim to please. So anyway, he lived across the street from my house, and I thought he was gods gift to me. Problem was, we seemed to have established a very good 'friendship', because we both had sweethearts we were with. Even though I fancied the pants off him, things stayed that way for at least 6 months.

It came to the end of my time in high school and I always had friends over at the weekend celebrating our new found freedom from exams and teachers and school, and there was usually copious amounts of alcohol involved. On one occasion my best friend went missing, and was found curled up in my dogs kennel. Another saw the same friend parading in front of my parents in my step dads tight whiteys, but that's another story all together! Anyway, I fuss what I'm trying to say is things usually got out of hand, and my child hood sweet heart never could handle his Lambrini, so it was often the neighbour left at the end of the night helping me clean up and extract WKD bottles from the conservatory roof.

There was one night when we ourselves got too drunk to tidy. In all fairness we gave it our best shot... we usually set up camp in the conservatory so we could all listen to some 'tune-age' as we would call it, whilst we drank our under-developed brain cells away, so that's where our clean up began. And ended. To this day I don't know how I went from nudging bottles into a corner to bouncing semi-naked on top of him in a room made entirely of glass, but it definitely happened. Then there was a little bending over and lying spread eagle of the coldest of tiled floors, before it was all over as fast as it had begun.

I did feel a little bit guilty for cheating, but mostly I felt robbed that I couldn't tell the whole world of this amazing notch my bed post had achieved! I mean, now he's a serious munter who I wouldn't touch with a barge pole (not even for giggles) but back then, when I had only slept with one magnetic young boy, he was a god amongst humans. And I was the human he had so carelessly chosen to fool around with when drunk. Yes, to say I was proud would be an understatement. The love story ended there though; he started dating another of my friends and I decided that sticking with what you know is always a safe option and stood by my sweetheart.

However, my boy next door had done filthy things to me I never knew possible, so knew my fairy tale wasn't going to jump to the happily ever after chapter just yet; there was way more drunk sex to come. And I was ready for it.

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